The Pediatric Lopography Examination Procedure In Congenital Megacolon Cases In The Radiology Installation RSUD Dr. Soeroto Ngawi


  • Nurlaila Lalopa Departement of Radiology Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
  • Widya Mufida Departement of Radiology Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta
  • Tri Kusdiarto Clinical Instruktur RSUD Dr. Soeroto Ngawi


Congenital Megacolon, Lopography, Contrast Media


Purpose: Pediatric lopography examination procedure in cases of congenital megacolon in radiology installation RSUD Dr. Soeroto Ngawi uses Anteroposterior (AP) and Lateral projections, the contrast media used is water soluble contrast media which is inserted through the anus and stoma. The study aimed to determine the pediatric lopography examination procedure in cases of congenital megacolon.

Method: The study aimed to determine the pediatric lopography examination procedure in cases of congenital megacolon.

Results: This research was conducted in the radiology installation RSUD Dr. Soeroto Ngawi, using a qualitative descriptive method case study approach and interview. The result of the study showed Anteriorposterior (AP) and Lateral projections can show megacolon so there is no need for additional oblique projection, water soluble contrast media has been used since it is safe and has minimal complications.






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