The Effect Of Foot Exercise Education With Demonstration Method And Booklet Media On Foot Exercises Knowledge Among Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
Purpose: The incidence of diabetes mellitus shows that the prevalence increases every year. This condition is partly influenced by a lack of knowledge in managing diabetes mellitus. Foot exercise are physical exercises which become one of the five pillars of managing diabetes mellitus. Therefore, foot exercise education is very necessary to support efforts to prevent complications and disability in diabetes mellitus patients. The study aimed to determine the effect of foot exercise education using demonstration methods and booklet media on knowledge of foot exercise in diabetes mellitus patients at Prolanis Puskesmas (Chronic Disease Management Program in Community Health Center) Pleret.
Methods: Quantitative research method was applied, and this type of research used Pre-Experimental with a One Group Pre-test Post-test Design research design. The sample was taken using a Purposive Sampling technique, namely 43 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire about knowledge. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test.
Result: The Wilcoxon test result before and after showed a value of 0.000 (p<0.05), meaning that there was an influence of foot exercise education using demonstration methods and booklet media on foot exercise knowledge in diabetes mellitus patients.