About the Journal


This international conference proceeding held by the Psychology Department of UNISA Yogyakarta is a form of the Psychology Department of UNISA Yogyakarta's commitment to contribute to developing Psychology, Health, and Humanity studies in Indonesia. The 2023 International Conference Proceeding, with the topic "Preparing Gen-Z as Agents of Change in The Era of The Industrial Revolution 4.0 towards Society 5.0", is one of the efforts to facilitate scientists, especially scientists and psychology practitioners, to share ideas or research results about how we are preparing Gen-Z to face the future. This activity also opens opportunities for the best and selected papers to be published in International journals (HESMED & JPHS) after the selection and review process and proceedings with ISSN.

Yogyakarta, 8 July 2023.

This international conference proceeding focuses on:

  1. Family and Individual Resilience 
  2. Good Health and Wellbeing
  3. Woman Empowerment
  4. Gender Equality
  5. Innovation in Education
  6. Justice and Criminology
  7. Community Development
  8. Networking 
  9. Digital Adaptability 
  10. Bullying and Cyberbullying