Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Vo2max pada remaja renang
Kata Kunci:
Aktivitas Fisik, Indeks Massa Tubuh, jenis kelamin, usiaAbstrak
Background: Unhealthy lifestyles of adolescents such as consuming junk food, smoking, lack of exercise, and lack of good physical activity can cause a decrease in cardiorespiratory fitness. This decrease also has an impact on VO2Max which also decreases. Lack of physical activity also affects cardiorespiratory fitness which has an impact on adolescents in the future such as shortness of breath, heart attacks, strokes, and chest pain so sports activities such as swimming are needed. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of age, gender, body mass index, and physical activity on VO2Max. Method: This study employed an observational analytical method to describe each research variable. The number of respondents in this study was 50 adolescent swimming respondents aged 11-21 years. The Spearman Rank Test was used to determine the relationship or influence of the components. Result: The relationship between age and VO2Max obtains a p-value (p = 0.00) with a correlation of +0.945. The relationship between gender and VO2Max obtains a value (p = 0.25) with a correlation of +0.316. The relationship between body mass index and VO2Max obtains a value (p=0.00) with a correlation of -0.787, and the relationship between physical activity and VO2Max obtains a value (p=0.00) with a correlation of +0.787. Conclusion: There is a very strong and unidirectional influence between age and VO2Max. There is a sufficient and unidirectional influence between gender and VO2Max. There is a strong but not unidirectional influence between body mass index and VO2Max. There is a strong and unidirectional influence between physical activity and VO2Max. Suggestion: Further research is expected to be able to conduct this research using different methods and increasing literature references and a larger number of research samples.
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